Kumpulan soal dan jawaban Error Recognitions TOEIC Test Part 5
Kali ini sanabila.com akan membahas tentang Kumpulan soal dan jawaban Error Recognitions TOEIC Test. Hal ini untuk menambah kemampuan dan melatih kebiasaan para peserta dalam menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan TOEIC. Terutama untuk menguji kemampuan Grammer dan Vocabulary anda. kumpulan soal ini juga dapat diperuntukkan untuk latihan dengan disesuaikan dengan tips dan trik yang sudah dibahas sebelumnya.
Pada kumpulan soal ini akan dibagi menjadi 5 (lima) bagian, yaitu :
- Kumpulan soal dan jawaban Error Recognitions TOEIC Test Part 1
- Kumpulan soal dan jawaban Error Recognitions TOEIC Test Part 2
- Kumpulan soal dan jawaban Error Recognitions TOEIC Test Part 3
- Kumpulan soal dan jawaban Error Recognitions TOEIC Test Part 4
- Kumpulan soal dan jawaban Error Recognitions TOEIC Test Part 5
Pada setiap bagian kumpulan soal tersebut akan ada 20 soal beserta jawaban.
Pada tes TOEIC yang sesungguhnya, Jenis tes ini terdiri dari 10-20 soal, peserta dituntut untuk memilih salah satu kata yang salah atau yang tidak sesuai dengan struktur kalimat yang tersedia. Beberapa kata pada kalimat tersebut akan diberikan underline dan diberi huruf A, B, C dan D, dan peserta harus memilih salah satu dari ke empat kata yang salah..
Berikut ini adalah beberapa kumpulan soal dan jawaban yang ada pada salah satu bagian dari Reading Comprehension Pada tes TOEIC yaitu tes Incomplete Paragraph part 1 yang terdiri dari soal no 1-20.
Pilihlah Jawaban salah satu kata (di beri garis bawah) yang anda anggap tidak sesuai dengan kalimat!
If i were you , i will take the chance
As we have
finished the first lesson ,now we will read the second one
Like a synonym of speech , which is the general term, address implies
some degree of formality
The suwanne river has been never important for transport and no significant hydropower potential
Why is a man in civil life perpentually slandering and backbiting his fellow mwn , and is unable to see good even in his friends?
The doctor’s records must be kept thorough and nealty, so as to insure good book-keeping
American manufacturers depend on ocean shipping for most of trade with other countries
Approximately one third of all persons involved in adult education programs
in 1970 were enrolled in occupational education course.
Tenant farmes are those they either rent a farm and work it for themselves or work the farm for the owner and receive payment.
A rabbit moves about by hopping on its hind
legs, which are much longer ang more strong than its front
One of the essential features of the modern skycrapper is being the elevator
A desert area that has been without water for sixyears will still bloom when rain will come
Peas require rich
soil , constant moistures , and a cool growing season to develop well
Three moths after they have been laid, crocodile eggs are ready hatched.
The American frontiesman , politician, and soldier Davy crocketts
is one of the most popular of American hero
A painter who lived most of his life in the Middle West , Grant wood has called America’s Painter of the soil
The earth is the only planet with a large number of oxygen in its atmosphere
Knowledge of rate at which a ship is travelling through the water is important if the
navigator need toestimte
the time of arrival.
The ode was original a caremonial poem written
to celebrate public occasions or exalted subjects.
Serving several
term in
Congress, Shirley Chisholm became an important United States politician.
Untuk mendapatkan file diatas dalam bentuk PDF beserta kunci jawabannya, Silahkan download pada link di bawah ini :
Password : sanabila.com
Sumber :
- The Chauncey Group International. 2002. TOEIC Examinee Handbook MPG62P25-T09007. The Chauncey Group International : New Jersey
- Resources. 2014. TOEIC-style error recognition. www.teachitelt.com
- Practice Test A – Structure
- Practice Test H – Structure
- TOEFL Practice Test
- https://kumpulansoaltoefl.blogspot.co.id/2014/12/contoh-soal-toefl-error-recognition-beserta-pembahasan.html
- http://educationshare4.blogspot.co.id/2014/02/error-recognition-latihan-tenses.html